We have a variety of training programs for all employees. Everyone must take our Service Excellence Course that focuses on our commitment to outstanding service and how to deliver it. It helps you understand how important everything you do results in making the life of someone living in a Crossbridge managed building better, deal with difficult people more effectively and access all of the resources of the company.
You will also have to take our Administration Program so you understand the processes in place to do our jobs efficiently and understand the integration of functions between our Head Office and our site offices.
If you are a Property Manager, you will need to take our Budget and Financial Statement Training Program that outlines the standard and the form of our budget presentation to Boards and the use of our utility consumption templates in that process.
Crossbridge also has been sanctioned by ACMO to teach the 4 ACMO courses required to obtain your R.C.M. designation. These courses are taught in-house by senior Crossbridge staff. Mid-term and final exams are marked by ACMO appointed individuals to ensure that there is complete independence in your final mark.
Training also takes place at our monthly property managers' meeting. Each meeting focuses on a different aspect of your job. We want to ensure that you are current on the latest in technologies, legislative changes and approaches to the multitude of issues we have to face in this industry.